Fast API intro

APIs can be tough to get into, but fast API makes it pretty simple.

For example lets say I want to make an API call to build a basic DND char. It’s actually pretty durn easy:

The code to build an API endpoint

# This file will be called
from fastapi import FastAPI #Import Fast API
import random

app = FastAPI() # Define a fast API instance

#Random code to make a DnD NPC
races = ["Human", "Elf", "Dwarf", "Halfling", "Gnome", "Half-Elf", "Half-Orc", "Dragonborn"]
jobs = ["Barkeep", "Blacksmith", "Bounty Hunter", "Burglar", "Clergy", "Farmer", "Guard", "Merchant", "Noble", "Thief"]
def generate_npc():
    race = random.choice(races)
    job = random.choice(jobs)
    alignment = random.choice(["Lawful Good", "Neutral Good", "Chaotic Good", "Lawful Neutral", "True Neutral", "Chaotic Neutral", "Lawful Evil", "Neutral Evil", "Chaotic Evil"])
    strength = random.randint(1, 20)
    dexterity = random.randint(1, 20)
    intelligence = random.randint(1, 20)
    wisdom = random.randint(1, 20)
    charisma = random.randint(1, 20)
    return ( race, job, alignment, strength, dexterity, intelligence, wisdom, charisma)

# This is creating the endpoint /generate_npc, and running the function that is tied to that end point when the code is run.

def generate_npc_endpoint():
    npc = generate_npc()
    return npc

How to make that code callable

From your CLI in the same folder as the code above you’ll run
python -m uvicorn build_char:app –reload
With the build_char being the name of the file it’s looking for, and app being the name of the FastAPI instance, also the @app that was referenced in the decorator where we built our end point. So lets make that API call to

As you can see we now have the output of the function accessible via an API call.